Monday, November 22, 2010

RIG/EMIG Lecture Series - Approach to CT

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for all the date shifting, but tomorrow is our last lecture of the 3 part RIG/EMIG Lecture Series:

Nov 23rd 2010
Approach to Head/Abdomen CT - Dr. Katz (PGY3, Diagnostic Radiology)
HSC B450

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, November 8, 2010

ABC's of reading a chest X-ray

Hey everyone, here's a little ABC mnemonic that I use for reading a chest. It;s good help if you ever get grilled in clinical about reading an xray or for an osce station

(Note - before doing this, always first go through the initial steps. i.e. - patient name, date, view, rotation, # of ribs on inspiration, spinous processes visible)

A = Airway (midline, patent)

B = Bones (fractures, lytic lesions)

C = Cardiac Silhouette size (should be less than 50%)

D = Diaphragm (flat or elevated hemidiaphragm?)

E = Edges (borders) of heart

F = Fields (lung fields well inflated; no effusions, infiltrates, or nodules noted)

G = Gastric Bubble

H = Hilum (nodes, masses)

I = Instrumentation


New Resources!

Hey fellow RIGer's,

Just wanted to share some more of the online resources I found.
Check out the new links to the CAR, RSNA and MIRC teaching file on the "Internet Resources" tab above.

I have also received quite a few requests for notes and the powerpoints from the lecture series. Dave (EMIG) and I are currently compiling our notes and the presentations from our presenters and will have them all posted here as we received them. Thanks for all the great feedback!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello all,

Just another reminder, that on Tuesday this week we will be continuing our Medical Imaging Lecture series. This week will be our second lecture - Abdominal X-RAYS, with Dr. Olszynski (Emergency Medicine). Same time and place,

There has also been a change for our third lecture, which has been pushed back 1 week due to scheduling conflicts. So here's the info for the remainder of our sessions:

Tuesday Nov 2 - Approach to AXR (Dr. Olszynski, Emergency Medicine)
Tuesday Nov 16 - Approach to Head/Abdo CT (Dr. Katz, PGY3, Diagnositc Radiology)
*both at 12:30 PM, room B450